Amaranth Porridge with Roasted Pear and Persimmon


The temperature has officially dropped here in New York bringing with it the arrival of the cozy season. And I don't know about you, but I get a serious craving for warm, comforting meals in the winter to stay warm and content. I adore amaranth, so it's one of my go-to components for making substantial and fulfilling dishes. Allow me to introduce you to this incredible ingredient in case you are unfamiliar with it. Like quinoa, amaranth is a gluten-free grain that is actually more of a seed than a pseudo-grain. Its tiny grains, which resemble beads, are very adaptable and taste great in spicy as well as sweet recipes. Nothing beats enjoying a warm bowl of amaranth porridge topped with seasonal fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of honey when the cold weather approaches. It gives you long-lasting energy to get through the day and warms you from the inside out. So, enjoy the warming, nourishing benefits of amaranth while embracing the chilly New York weather.

And at this very moment recipe ideas for this incredible amaranth porridge began to appear. With the best health advantages, this amaranth porridge has the highest quality ingredients in everything you could ever want. With so many nutrient-dense components, it makes a satisfying and well-balanced breakfast to start the day off well. The ingredient deep dives into flavors that are sweet, crispy, and incredibly fulfilling. It has a Seckel roasted pear, after all, and anything that has roasted fruit or veggies in it is always going to be delicious with a nice aroma. The natural sweetness is enhanced and a lovely caramelized flavor is brought forth by the slow roasting process, which goes well with the creamy porridge. However, we also cannot ignore the date caramel drizzle. This opulent garnish not only gives the meal a hint of sweetness, but it also gives it a deep, rich scent that will tantalize your senses and make your mouth water. Every bite of the roasted pear's delicious crunch, the smooth, silky date caramel, and the soft, warm amaranth porridge is sheer happiness. 
Savor the pleasurable sensation of eating it, as well as the enjoyable process of cooking it and indulging in the flavors and textures! Amaranth seeds are a traditional grain that are prized for their high protein content and all-around nutritional benefits. They are an essential component of any meal because they are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. In addition to stimulating your taste sensations, this porridge provides your body with vital nutrients that promote general health and well-being. Accept the flavor and health advantages of amaranth porridge and allow it to grow into a beloved daily ritual.

 Amaranth is a great ingredient to use when making a satisfying side dish for supper, a creamy porridge for breakfast, or a tasty dessert. This wholesome breakfast choice is a powerful component to start your day because it is full of fiber, high-quality protein, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. It has a rich, nutty flavor and a pleasant texture that make every bite enjoyable in addition to being gluten-free. Because amaranth is so versatile, you may be creative in the kitchen and try a variety of flavors and combinations to find what suits your palate. Though it's not a true cereal like wheat or oats, amaranth is still a very nutritious grain that can be utilized in comparable ways.

Origins: Amaranth was a staple food for many ancient civilizations, such as the Incas and Aztecs, who utilized it in sacred rites and venerated it for its nutritional value. It was frequently utilized in rituals and was seen as an emblem of immortality.
Global Cultivation: Thanks to its adaptability to a variety of soil types and climates, amaranth is now grown all over the world, from the Americas to Africa and Asia. It is a crucial crop for food security because it grows well in both tropical and temperate climates.

Comparison with other grains

Highlighting the particular advantages of amaranth requires comparing it to other grains. As an illustration:

  • Amaranth is naturally gluten-free and a complete protein, in contrast to other grains like wheat and rice. Because it provides a greater concentration of vital nutrients, it is a better option for people looking to maintain a balanced, healthful diet 

  • Although rice and quinoa are common grains, amaranth stands out due to its ability to be used in both savory and sweet recipes. Many different recipes can be made better by their distinct flavor and texture.

  • Certain minerals, such as iron, magnesium, and manganese, are more abundant in amaranth. Conversely, quinoa has greater phosphorus and folate content. When it comes to minerals, amaranth outperforms rice in terms of magnesium, iron, and manganese content. Additionally, it has a higher concentration of antioxidants, which aid in preventing inflammation and oxidative stress. 

  • While quinoa and amaranth are both complete proteins, amaranth has a somewhat higher protein content per serving. About 9 grams of protein are found in one cup of cooked amaranth, compared to about 8 grams in one cup of quinoa. Rice isn't a complete protein like amaranth. Compared to amaranth's 9 grams of protein per cup, white rice and brown rice have considerably less protein—roughly 4 and 5 grams, respectively. 

  • Unlike amaranth, which is a complete protein, wheat, especially in whole grain form, is high in protein but deficient in certain key amino acids.
    Amaranth has a low water requirement compared to other grains and is a highly robust crop, making it a sustainable option for food production in terms of environmental impact. You can discover a delicious and versatile ingredient, amaranth, and reap a number of health benefits by including it in your diet. A nutritious supplement to any meal plan, amaranth can be used for a variety of purposes such as baking bread, producing a substantial porridge, or adding texture to soups and salads.

Culinary Uses of Amaranth Seeds

Porridge: Amaranth can be prepared as a nutritious morning dish by cooking it into a creamy porridge, similar to oats. Roasted fruits, nuts, and a sprinkle of honey or maple syrup can all improve the flavor.
Side Dish: It can be eaten with a variety of main dishes as a side dish, much like rice or quinoa. Try combining it with herbs and veggies for a tasty and nutritious side dish.
Baking: Breads, muffins, and pancakes made without gluten can be made with amaranth flour. It increases the nutritional value and gives baked items a nutty flavor.

Amaranth can be popped like popcorn and added as a crisp garnish to soups, salads, and yogurt. For example carrot salad or beet salad This offers a distinct texture and a healthy dose of nutrients.
Soups & Stews: Amaranth thickens and increases the nutritious value of soups and stews. It enhances the flavor of the dish by absorbing the flavors of the broth.

Nutritional Profile

The remarkable nutritional profile of amaranth seeds, especially their high protein content, has made them a highly prized ancient grain. Because these seeds contain all nine essential amino acids, they are a complete protein supply and a great source of protein. For vegetarians and vegans who might find it difficult to consume adequate protein in their diet, this is very helpful.
Apart from its high protein level, amaranth also has a high dietary fiber content. This high fiber content facilitates digestion, supports gut health, and can aid in weight loss by lowering total caloric intake and encouraging feelings of fullness. In addition to avoiding constipation and lowering the risk of several digestive problems, fiber is crucial for preserving a healthy digestive tract. Additionally, amaranth is a great source of calcium, which is necessary to keep teeth and bones strong. Especially as we age, consuming enough calcium is essential for preventing osteoporosis and other disorders affecting the bones. Because of its high calcium content, amaranth is a great food option for people who have lactose intolerance or who would rather get their calcium from plants.

Amaranth Porridge Benefits
High in Protein: Amaranth is a complete protein source because it contains all nine necessary amino acids.
Gluten-Free: Fit for anyone with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
High in Fibre: Promotes a healthy digestive tract and helps with digestion.
Full of Micronutrients: Rich in minerals that promote general health, such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese.
Has Antioxidants: Aids in the battle against inflammation and oxidative stress.
All things considered, amaranth seeds provide an extensive array of nutritional advantages, rendering them an invaluable supplement to a well-rounded and nutritious diet.

Storing Amaranth Porridge 

Amaranth porridge is a great alternative for hectic mornings because it can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for several days. To alter the consistency to your preference, add a tiny quantity of extra liquid, like water, milk, or plant-based milk, then reheat the porridge on the stovetop or in the microwave when you're ready to eat. With little effort the next morning, you can have a satisfying and tasty porridge thanks to this method.
Amaranth porridge is a great breakfast choice that can be customized to meet a variety of dietary needs and taste preferences because it is not only very flexible but also quite healthy. As an example, you can use oat milk, but you can also use other kinds of milk to offer diverse flavors and nutritional benefits, like almond or coconut milk. You can choose between the creamy, tropical flavor of coconut milk and the nutty flavor of almond milk. A unique and customized breakfast can be made every day by experimenting with different toppings and mix-ins, such as fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, or spices. Because of its adaptability, amaranth porridge can satisfy a variety of nutritional requirements, including those for a high-protein, gluten-free, or vegan dinner.

 For additional variations

Instead of using water or milk, boil the amaranth in vegetable broth and top with cheese and sautéed veggies for a savory twist, If you are a chocolate lover but want a healthy treat add a spoonful of cocoa powder and a little bit raw chocolate and top it off with dark chocolate shavings, sunflower seeds and dried fruit or berries and some coconut cream for some extra taste. 

Coconut Amaranth Porridge: Shredded coconut and tropical fruits are atop cooked amaranth cooked in coconut milk. 

Amaranth porridge with applesauce and cinnamon: Mix chopped apples and cinnamon with the cooked amaranth and pour maple syrup on top. The good thing about this recipe is that it is a nutritious and adaptable breakfast option, amaranth porridge may be tailored to suit dietary requirements and taste preferences.

Almond butter or peanut butter boosts the nutritional value of the porridge and improves its flavor. It also adds extra protein and healthy fats to keep you full and energized throughout the morning.

Are you prepared to include this old grain in your diet? Try preparing this easy yet delectable Amaranth Porridge with Persimmon and Roasted Pear. This morning dish, which combines sweet, caramelized fruits with creamy amaranth, is likely to become a favorite. If your New Year resolution is to eat healthy make sure you cook this Amaranth Porridge with Roasted Pear and Persimmon and make this your first recipe. This meal is full of taste and nutrients, making it the ideal approach to start eating healthier. In addition to being nutrient-dense, it tastes incredibly fulfilling, which will encourage you to stick to your diet. Please let us know by leaving a rating below!

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Yield: 4
Author: Victoria Kaputskaya
Amaranth Porridge with Roasted Pear and Persimmon

Amaranth Porridge with Roasted Pear and Persimmon

This amaranth porridge has everything you could possibly want. It’s crunchy, it’s sweet, and full of grainy goodness! Enjoy it with a cinnamon maple roasted seckel pear and hachiya persimmon. A dish that provides you with a healthy breakfast for a long time. Here's a delicious, nutritious and hearty recipe for making this easy amaranth porridge with roasted pear and persimmon.
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 30 MinTotal time: 40 Min
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  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Rinse one cup of amaranth in a fine mesh strainer. ( Before cooking, rinse the amaranth to get rid of any possible bitterness.)
  3. For the main content add the amaranth, 2 ½ cups of hot water, one cup of oat milk, and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup to the pot or small saucepan. ( One cup of amaranth to two to three cups of liquid is the usual cooking ratio. This guarantees that the grains cook through and get soft.)
  4. Split the vanilla pod, scrape out the extract, and add it to the pot.
  5. Place lid on pot and allow to simmer for approximately 20 minutes until fully absorbed When the amaranth is nearly done, add an extra cup of hot water for a porridge-like consistency.
  6. Wash seckel pear, half, and decor. Place in a bowl and cover with maple syrup. Arrange pears on a parchment sheet and drizzle cinnamon. Place in the oven for 6-10 mins or until a desired roast of your preference.
  7. Blend 2 soft pitted dates with 6 tablespoons of hot water until completely smooth.
  8. Take pears out of the oven and let cool. In the meantime, grab hachiya persimmon (or fuyu persimmons according to availability ) and cut it up into chunks.
  9. In your desired bowl, top of a bed of nutty amaranth with the dry ingredients of hemp, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, and walnuts. Arrange the succulent pears and persimmons, you can also add any fresh fruit of your choice. Add a drizzle of date caramel. And I am sure there isn't any other great way of enjoying this easy and delicious Amaranth Porridge. Savor the healthy and filling amaranth porridge! Good Luck !!

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