Melon With Honey, Blue Cheese and Sumac


Melons, a summer fruit favorite, offer a delicious and refreshing treat that can be enjoyed throughout the day— and there are so many to choose from. I bought the juiciest melons from Whole Food’s and wanted to try a new and creative approach to eating them. I picked up 3 different kinds; honeydew, galia, and golden delicious melon which by the way is my favorite. As I opened my seasoning cabinet, sumac immediately caught my attention.

How to Tell if a Melon is Ripe

1. Smell: A ripe melon will have a sweet, fragrant aroma at the stem end.

2. Touch: The melon should feel heavy for its size and have a slight give when pressed gently on the blossom end.

3. Appearance: Look for a uniform color without any green patches (for cantaloupes and honeydews). The netting on a cantaloupe should be well-defined and golden.

4. Sound: Tap the melon lightly; a ripe melon will produce a deep, hollow sound.

5. Stem: For watermelons, the stem should be dry and brown, not green.

Beautiful half-moon knife cuts were created when I cut the melons lengthwise. Next, I placed the melon on a large plate drizzled honey then sprinkled sumac, Maldon salt, and blue cheese crumble. I garnished with elderberry flowers and shiso leaves for a beautiful presentation.

Fun Fact

A fun fact about elderberry flowers is that they are not only beautiful but also highly versatile in culinary applications. Elderberry flowers, also known as elderflowers, are often used to make syrups, cordials, and liqueurs like the popular St-Germain. They can also be used to flavor desserts, beverages, and even fritters, adding a delicate, floral note to various dishes. Additionally, elderflowers have been traditionally used in herbal medicine for their potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

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Author: Victoria Kaputskaya
Melon With Honey, Blue Cheese, and Sumac

Melon With Honey, Blue Cheese, and Sumac

Cool down with a refreshing melon appetizer that will impress your guests and your tastebuds.
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  1. 1. Wash your melon and deseed. Cut lengthwise and place on a large plate. Drizzle honey. Next, sprinkle sumac, Maldon salt and blue cheese crumble. Garnish with herbs or edible flowers.

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